Feb 16, 2021
Maggie and Dave catch up this week while surviving the Polar Vortex of 2021 with temperatures in Manitoba dropping to -45°C! Despite the frigid temps, things feel warm and cozy on the pod. Maggie shares about the lesson her dieffenbachia (dumbcane plant) has taught her after happily living in water for the past three years. Dave's favorite thing is something he's looking forward to growing this Spring, Gai Lan Broccoli. A listener question about the basics of seed starting sparks a conversation about soil selection, seeding and planting out dates. And in this week's segment of Plant Science Minute (or two!), Dave covers the process of apaical dominance and why pruning your plants supports new growth. Then, American author and horticulturalist, Jessica Walliser joins the pod (interview begins at 00:24:30) to break down the science behind companion planting. Jessica shares some of the research found while writing her new book, Plant Partners: Science-Based Companion Planting Strategies for the Vegetable Garden.
Find Jessica's book anywhere books are sold, contact your local book store to purchase a copy.
Learn more about our guest, Jessica Walliser
The Farmer's Almanac Find Your Zone App (Maggie references during Question of the Week).
Dieffenbachia Plant Care 101 YouTube video by Planterina.